There is no need to compile rmtoo.

After unpacking the package (either the tar ball or the debian package) rmtoo can directly be used.


Using rmtoo as example

Because rmtoo uses rmtoo for requirements management it is possible to use rmtoo as an example for rmtoo’s features.

Check and create them all

When you want to create all the documentation for rmtoo itself, you can execute the steps described in this section. Please note that this is not needed to use rmtoo in your project. Also the requirements documentation created, can be downloaded from the project’s download page. For the link to the download page please consult the Readme.txt file.

When using the tar ball, you can try a

$ .
$ make
$ make tests

The configuration file where the output artifacts are configured are docs/requirements/ All created documents are stored in the artifacts directory.

When using the Debian package, it is possibe to run all the tests.

$ cd /usr/share/pyshared/rmtoo
$ nosetests -v -s

(Note that some test cases will fail, because they assume that there is a git-history available - which is not.) The documents can be found under /usr/share/doc/rmtoo.

Please note that rmtoo is by default delivered to create the complete history of rmtoo requirements itself. When using the tar ball or the debian package the history is not available. You might get an error like:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./bin/rmtoo", line 14, in <module>
    main(sys.argv[1:], sys.stdout, sys.stderr)
  File "/home/florath/devel/rmtoo/rmtoo-15/rmtoo/lib/", line 123, in main
    exitfun(not main_impl(args, mstdout, mstderr))
  File "/home/florath/devel/rmtoo/rmtoo-15/rmtoo/lib/", line 119, in main_impl
    return execute_cmds(opts, config, mods, mstdout, mstderr)
  File "/home/florath/devel/rmtoo/rmtoo-15/rmtoo/lib/", line 55, in execute_cmds
    reqs = rc.continuum_latest()
  File "/home/florath/devel/rmtoo/rmtoo-15/rmtoo/lib/", line 46, in continuum_latest
    return self.continuum[self.continuum_order[0]]
IndexError: list index out of range
make: *** [artifacts/.rmtoo_dependencies] Error 1

If this happens, please change the interval to ["FILES", "FILES"].