Development Environment

This file is not completed now - and never might be in the future.



There are some mandatory tools to do development for rmtoo (Debian 6):

$ apt-get install make graphviz texlive-latex-extra


Comparing XML

There are many files containing XML data. These files are either generated directly inside the rmtoo’s output module or with the help of an external library.


For some time (until version 19) an external library was used to compare XML files. This library called xmldiff has a major drawback: because it tries to generate the diff (what is much more than really needed) it is very time consuming for bigger files.

The manual page of xmldiff notes that you can typically diff documents with about 100 nodes with the help of this library.

Because the runtime of the comparison which was about 20 minutes for some bigger document xmldiff was dropped and an own function for comparing XML documents was established.

Directly Generated Files

Directly generated files are generated with the help of an output module directly. In this case a simple compare should be enough. It is defined that not only the (sub-) nodes should be equal but also the order in which they appear.


There are a couple of forks done during the last years; have a look and cherry-pick the interesing things

apre/rmtoo          0   0   0   9 months ago -> GUI branch!
andipla/rmtoo       0   2   1   5 months ago -> SIL feature



2017-04-15 Patch to run rmtoo in an virtualenv.

No changes

The following forks include no changes

CrypticGator/rmtoo      2017-04-15
drewm135/rmtoo          2017-04-15
thangphuocnguyen/rmtoo  2017-04-15
isaacde/rmtoo           2017-04-15
willtecti/rmtoo         2017-04-15
LucasReller/rmtoo       2017-04-15
albertogomcas/rmtoo     2017-04-15
kevin-canadian/rmtoo    2017-04-15
pnouvel/rmtoo           2017-04-15
huddy1985/rmtoo         2017-04-15
samjaninf/rmtoo         2017-04-15

pypi upload

Just tag the commit and flit with github actions will handle it.