********************************************************************** * CONFIGURATION IS UNDERGOING A MAJOR RESTRUCTURING. * * THE CURRENT VERSIONS (V22-V23) WILL (ONLY) BE ONE STEP IN THE * * DIRECTION THE CONFIGURATION WILL CHANGE TO. * * BECAUSE THE STRUCTURE CHANGED, THERE IS NO AUTOMATIC UPDATE * * POSSIBLE. * * IF YOU HAVE A RUNNING INSTALLED rmtoo THERE IS NO NEED TO UPDATE * * DIRECTLY (IF YOU DO NOT NEED ANY OF THE NEW FEATURES). * * IF YOU WANT TO USE THE NEW FEATURES, PLEASE FIRST READ THE * * DOCUMENTATION (rmtoo-config3(5)). IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THIS * * FEEL FREE TO CONTACT OUR SUPPORT AT info@flonatel.de * ********************************************************************** User visible changes -------------------- Added support for Test Cases. Fixed latex2 output: there was a bug that the references were printed many times when there were more than one reference to another requirement. Fixed error reporting: there was an error that problems during parsing the requirements / topics / constraints directories were not reported to the user at all. Instead a python stack trace was printed. This was fixed: now the user sees exactly the problems - if there were some. Fixed long path names in graph2 output: Since v22 it is possible to use subdirectories with requirements. This results in long names. These long names are now split up into some lines - with the '/' is the indicator where to split. Fixed priority list output: there was a bug that only the requirements were used for the prios list which are in the last topic worked on. This is fixed now: all requirements appear (again) in the prios list. Internal Changes ----------------