


rmtoo-art-req-dep-graph - requirements management tool: requirement dependency graph


The rmtoo requirement management tool organizes all the requirements in a dependency tree. This means, that each requirement is dependent from another requirement (except the master requirement).

The rmtoo-art-req-dep-graph output module creates the dependency graph in a format which can be read in by graphviz tools like dot.


The configuration for this output module goes (as all other output module’s configuration) in the output section of the configuration.

The first key must be graph. The following parameters are allowed in the including map:

output_filename The filename where the output is written to.

node_attributes (This is optional!) When the key node_attributes exists, the value must be a list of all information which is included in the graph. The following values might be used:
If this is included in the list, depending on the type the

border line of the node is colored (e.g. orange for initial requirement, green for design decision, black for all other).

Status If this is included in the list, depending on the status

of the requirement the font color is chosen (e.g. ’not done’ requirements uses a red font).

Class If this is included in the list, depending on the class

the shape of the node is rendered (e.g. for implementable requirements a octagon is used to render the requirement).

Priority If this is included in the list, the priority of the

requirement is included.

EffortEstimation If this is included in the list, depending on

the effort estimation is included. Note: this is not included by default.


"graph": [
"output_filename": "artifacts/req-graph1.dot"
["Type", "Status", "Class", "Topic", "Priority", ]


The resulting dot file can be converted with the following command to a png: dot -Tpng -o req-graph1.png req-graph1.dot. Please consult the manual page for dot for more options and explanations.

Typically the graphs are very flat in the sense, that they are much wider than high. In this case it is mostly possible to unflatten a graph with the help of the unflatten(1) tool from the graphviz package. Please consult the graphviz documentation for detailed explanation. An example is provided in the Makefile which is provided in the tar ball.


rmtoo(7) - overview of rmtoo including all references to available documentation.


Written by Andreas Florath (rmtoo@florath.net)


Copyright © 2010-2011 by flonatel (rmtoo@florath.net). License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later